A downloadable game

With Grid-X-Dash, my main goal was to make a reaction based game where picking up points and avoiding obstacles as they come towards the player were the main objectives. I also made a central mechanic, "Reflex Meter", which is slow-mo activated while a button is held down. This was made in order to allow the player some levity when in sticky situations. Additionally, I added a health bar. If points get by the player, it chips down at the players health. Once the player's health reaches 0, it's game over.


Grid-X-Dash_SetupFile.rar 14 MB

Install instructions

Run "Grid-X-Dash_SetupFile.exe", then the game should launch automatically after installation

Some notes:

- Unfortunately I have not added an exit function yet, so you will have to press Alt + F4 to exit the application.

- Lower-end machines may have a harder time running the game, lots of point lights and I need to get better at optimizing graphics XD

- I highly recommend playing with controller over keyboard! Much smoother and easier to get the hang of how Reflex works in tandem with movement.

Known bugs:

- Sometimes certain points that get by the player don't chip away at player health.

- Sometimes immediately after using Reflex Meter, if the player is headed toward a wall they will pass through it.